Meet Our Farm Friends


Lots and lots of chickens: We love our chickens! We have chosen to completely free range our chickens which unfortunately means they are subject to the many predators on the farm (hawks, foxes, and raccoons to name a few). While we have had many breeds over the years, our favorites include Ameraucanas, Golden Laced Wyandottes, and Lavender Orpingtons.

Luna: the friendly barn cat. Luna joined the farm in Spring of 2019. She earns her keep by keeping the mice population low. She enjoys keeping the kids company and following you where ever you go.

The Dwarfs: Rufus and Snowball joined the farm in 2021. While they are the newest additions, they have fit right in and are almost as friendly as our kitty. The kids love showering them with attention and we look forward to adding more bunnies to our domestic fluffle.

More animal friends joining the farm in Spring 2022 :)


Favorites About the Farm Life