Our Story


Thank you for taking the time to read our story at Mulberry Meadows Farm, LLC. We hope to see you soon!

Our son picking out his first chicken flock in 2016. He wanted to take them all home!


Having grown up in Geauga County, I always knew I wanted to raise my children here. My parents raised me a vegetarian from birth and my mother always had a vegetable garden. I swore she only grew squash because that’s all I remember on my plate, many a times scraping it off into our front flower beds. Little did I know she was actually instilling the roots to a healthy lifestyle which we are now teaching our children. After my husband and I had our first son, we knew we wanted land so that we could raise him free range like our chickens. Ok, maybe not free ranged, but you get the idea. The moment we walked the 3 acres with the little blue 1938 Dutch colonial farmhouse, we had no doubts that it was the perfect property. With a chicken coop, established gardens, and history of farm animals on the property, it truly was meant to be. I had never had chickens growing up but the urge to buy our first flock came only a couple days after moving in. The rest you can say is history and a very egg-citing time for us!

Thank you for reading and we will look forward to sharing our love for the farm life!

*We are proud members of the Ohio Farm Bureau and the National Wildlife Federation (certified wildlife habitat).